Train 03249 coach position

  1. 03249 train
  2. 03249 coach position

Check train sequence, 03249 coach position from engine, and rake composition, and know your Laying / Sitting Position through seat layout map.

03249 coach position

Coach PositonCoach Class
0. No Record Found

Live 03249 coach position today:

  1. 0 No Record Found

03249 train coach position yesterday was SLRD GEN GEN GEN GEN B1 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 GEN GEN GEN SLRD

03249 train coach position earlier was SLRD GEN GEN GEN GEN B1 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 GEN GEN GEN SLRD

Rgd Pnbe Spl coach order finalization time: 23:59

03249 seat position map

Rail 03249 coach seating arrangement of classes is:

03249 coach position at station

Coach sequence remains same as there are no engine reversal stations.

stationcoach position

Coaches data updated on 2025-02-09

Coach composition overview:
1. Engine (E): The frontmost coach, housing the locomotive (Loco) brake engine.
2. General (GS): Usually near the engine, this coach is for general seating without specific seat reservations.
3. AC First Class (1A): Positioned closer to the engine, offering premium amenities and spacious cabins.
4. AC Two Tier (2A): Typically located after AC First Class, featuring comfortable berths in a two-tier arrangement.
5. AC Three Tier (3A): Following AC Two Tier, providing berths in a three-tier setup with air conditioning.
6. Sleeper Class (SL): Positioned after AC Three Tier, offering berths for overnight journeys at an affordable price.
7. Second Seating (2S): Found towards the rear, offering basic seating without berths, ideal for short-distance travel.
8. Unreserved (UR): Usually at the rear, offering seats on a first-come, first-served basis without reservations. Understanding these positions helps you navigate the train easily and locate your coach efficiently, enhancing your travel experience.
9. Pantry Car (PC): Positioned strategically in the middle or towards the rear, providing food and beverages during the journey.
10. Luggage (LU): Located near the rear, designated for storing passenger luggage safely throughout the trip.
11. Guard's Cabin (GS/GD): Found at the rear end, housing the train guard and control systems for operational purposes.
12. Ladies Coach (LDY): Designated coach exclusively for female passengers, ensuring a safe and comfortable travel environment.
13. Handicapped Coach (HA/HP): Specifically designed for passengers with disabilities, equipped with facilities for easy accessibility.
14. Divyaangjan Coach (DA/DP): Similar to the Handicapped Coach, catering specifically to passengers with special needs or differently-abled individuals.
15. Parcel (SLR): Located at the rear, reserved for transporting parcels and goods, separate from passenger compartments.