22732 train route, schedule and time table

The 22732 Hyderabad Exp is a popular daily train connecting (C SHIVAJI MAH T) to (HYDERABAD DECAN). This article provides all the details about the 22732 train, including its route, schedule, stops, and coach composition information. It also provides today and tomorrow's station stop details and halt timings.

Essential information of 22732

22732 Train Schedule

22732 starts from CSMT (C SHIVAJI MAH T) at 14:10 and reaches HYB (HYDERABAD DECAN) at 04:25 covering a distance of 790 kms and 22 stations. 22732 is scheduled to run on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun at 14:10 from CSMT C SHIVAJI MAH T station. Train coach composition is of SECOND AC (2A), THIRD AC (3A), SLEEPER CLASS (SL) classes.

Coach position: Eng LPR GEN UR A3:2A A2:2A A1:2A B5:3A B4:3A B3:3A B2:3A B1:3A S2:SL S1:SL GEN SLRD:

22732 train route and stations time table

CSMT14:1014:10--0 km1C SHIVAJI MAH T
DR14:2214:2503:009 km1DADAR
KYN15:0215:0503:0054 km1KALYAN JN
LNL16:4316:4502:00128 km1LONAVALA
PUNE18:0518:1005:00192 km1PUNE JN
URI18:3918:4001:00221 km1URULI
KDG18:5919:0001:00246 km1KEDGAON
DD19:2519:2702:00268 km1DAUND JN
JEUR20:1820:2002:00342 km1JEUR
KEM20:3420:3501:00358 km1KEM
KWV20:5320:5502:00377 km1KURDUVADI
SUR22:0522:1005:00455 km1SOLAPUR JN
DUD22:5823:0002:00519 km1DUDHANI
KLBG23:3723:4003:00568 km1KALABURAGI
WADI00:4300:4502:00605 km2WADI
CT00:5901:0001:00620 km2CHITTAPUR
SEM01:1501:1601:00642 km2SERAM
TDU01:3901:4001:00676 km2TANDUR
VKB02:1602:1701:00717 km2VIKARABAD JN
LPI02:5903:0001:00766 km2LINGAMPALLI
BMT03:2503:2601:00784 km2BEGAMPET
HYB04:25----790 km2HYDERABAD DECAN

Train info updated on 2025-03-13