22310 train route, schedule and time table

The 22310 Vande Bharat Exp is a popular Vb train connecting Bhagalpur (BHAGALPUR) to Kolkata (HOWRAH JN). This article provides all the details about the 22310 train, including its route, schedule, stops, and coach composition information. It also provides today and tomorrow's station stop details and halt timings.

Essential information of 22310

22310 Train Schedule

22310 starts from Bhagalpur BGP (BHAGALPUR) at 15:05 and reaches Kolkata HWH (HOWRAH JN) at 21:00 covering a distance of 387 kms and 9 stations. 22310 is scheduled to run on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sat, Sun at 15:05 from BGP BHAGALPUR station. Train coach composition is of EXEC. CHAIR CAR (EC), CHAIR CAR (CC) classes.

Rake composition: C7 C6 C5 C4 C3 E1 C2 C1

Coach position: C1:CC C2:CC E1:EC C3:CC C4:CC C5:CC C6:CC C7:CC

22310 train route and stations time table

BGP15:0515:05--0 km1BHAGALPUR
BHLE15:3015:3202:0038 km1BARAHAT
MDLE15:5115:5302:0050 km1MANDAR HILL
HSDA16:1416:1602:0074 km1HANSDIHA
NNHT16:3016:3202:0091 km1NONIHAT
DUMK17:2217:2402:00116 km1DUMKA
RPH18:1418:1602:00181 km1RAMPUR HAT
BHP18:5218:5402:00241 km1BOLPUR S NIKTN
HWH21:00----387 km1HOWRAH JN

Train info updated on 2025-03-09