22188 train route, schedule and time table

The 22188 Intercity Exp is a popular daily train connecting (ADHARTAL) to (RANI KAMALAPATI). This article provides all the details about the 22188 train, including its route, schedule, stops, and coach composition information. It also provides today and tomorrow's station stop details and halt timings.

Essential information of 22188

22188 Train Schedule

22188 starts from ADTL (ADHARTAL) at 16:15 and reaches RKMP (RANI KAMALAPATI) at 22:23 covering a distance of 346 kms and 11 stations. 22188 is scheduled to run on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun at 16:15 from ADTL ADHARTAL station. Train coach composition is of THIRD AC (3A), CHAIR CAR (CC), SECOND SITTING (2S) classes.

Coach position: SLRD GEN GEN GEN GEN C1:CC C2:CC B1:3A DS1:2S DS2:2S DS3:2S DS4:2S DS5:2S DS6:2S DS7:2S GEN GEN GEN GEN SLRD:

22188 train route and stations time table

ADTL16:1516:15--0 km1ADHARTAL
JBP16:2716:3508:009 km1JABALPUR
MML16:4416:4602:0012 km1MADAN MAHAL
SRID17:1617:1802:0062 km1SHRIDHAM
NU17:4317:4502:0093 km1NARSINGHPUR
KY17:5918:0001:00108 km1KARELI
GAR18:1918:2001:00137 km1GADARWARA
PPI18:5318:5502:00186 km1PIPARIYA
ET20:1520:3015:00254 km1ITARSI JN
NDPM20:4820:5002:00271 km1NARMADAPURAM

Train info updated on 2025-03-13