20820 train running status

  1. 20820 train
  2. 20820 train running status

Check live Okha Puri Exp 20820 train running status with PF no (platform number), current delay status and ETA to next station for the train running from OKHA (OKHA) to PURI (PURI).

Running Days: Wed

20820 train running status

Current live running status of train 20820 Okha Puri Exp with PF No, ETA, Delay.

  1. Stn#PF HaltArrival | Departure | Station
  2. Select date for running status

Station Code, ETA time, PF no (as decided, can change in the last moment), Halt time at station, Arrival (expected, actual), Departure (expected, actual). Refresh is every 1 min.