12814 train route, schedule and time table

The 12814 Steel Exp is a popular daily train connecting (TATANAGAR JN) to (HOWRAH JN). This article provides all the details about the 12814 train, including its route, schedule, stops, and coach composition information. It also provides today and tomorrow's station stop details and halt timings.

Essential information of 12814

12814 Train Schedule

12814 starts from TATA (TATANAGAR JN) at 06:05 and reaches HWH (HOWRAH JN) at 10:35 covering a distance of 250 kms and 8 stations. 12814 is scheduled to run on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun at 06:05 from TATA TATANAGAR JN station. Train coach composition is of EXEC. CHAIR CAR (EC), CHAIR CAR (CC), SECOND SITTING (2S) classes.

Coach position: SLRD GEN D12:2S D11:2S D10:2S D9:2S D8:2S D7:2S D6:2S D5:2S D4:2S D3:2S D2:2S D1:2S C4:CC C3:CC C2:CC C1:CC E1:EC GEN GEN LPR:

12814 train route and stations time table

TATA06:0506:05--0 km1TATANAGAR JN
RHE06:3306:3502:0020 km1RAKHA MINES
GTS06:4706:4902:0037 km1GHATSILA
CKU07:1007:1202:0067 km1CHAKULIA
JGM07:3207:3402:0096 km1JHARGRAM
KGP08:1808:2002:00135 km1KHARAGPUR JN
SRC09:4009:4202:00242 km1SANTRAGACHI JN
HWH10:35----250 km1HOWRAH JN

Train info updated on 2025-03-13