02540 train route, schedule and time table

The 02540 Dj Kgn Slip Trn is a popular daily train connecting (DARJEELING) to (KURSEONG). This article provides all the details about the 02540 train, including its route, schedule, stops, and coach composition information. It also provides today and tomorrow's station stop details and halt timings.

Essential information of 02540

02540 Train Schedule

02540 starts from DJ (DARJEELING) at 09:00 and reaches KGN (KURSEONG) at 11:30 covering a distance of 31 kms and 2 stations. 02540 is scheduled to run on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun at 09:00 from DJ DARJEELING station. Train coach composition is of FIRST CLASS (FC) classes.

Coach position: EOG GN GN GN GN SLR FS:FC

02540 train route and stations time table

DJ09:0009:00--0 km1DARJEELING
KGN11:30----31 km1KURSEONG

Train info updated on 2025-03-13